Welcome to Ask a Virgo

Whitney Gaines
3 min readJul 12, 2021

This is not your regular advice column. This is an advice column run by someone who gives excellent advice, but then rarely follows their own advice. In other words, it’s an advice column run by a lovely hypocrite.

Virgos are, by nature, logical, meticulous, caring, anxious, motherly (though I plan to keep my uterus empty for my entire life), righteous, and obnoxious. I’m not sure if that last part is universally true, but it feels true. It’s definitely true for me, and I’d like to think it’s part of my charm (I’m a Gemini rising).

I am also an Aquarius moon. This means that I’m detached from my feelings, analytical, self-aware, calculating, etc.

Essentially, my Sun & Moon signs work together to make me great at analyzing any situation and offering advice based on any potential outcomes.

There’s also a more logical, less woo-woo reason for all of this. I grew up in an environment that required hypersensitivity to the emotions and actions of others (hi, Dad), and because of that constant trauma, I analyze every situation to ensure my own safety and the care of the people I love. It’s been useful so far, except where it hasn’t: namely, when I prioritize other people’s feelings and desires over my own.

So this blog is my way of prioritizing other people’s feelings and desires over my own in situations that absolutely do not have anything to do with me! It’s the best of both worlds! It fulfills my need of helping other people and it fulfills my new need of not prioritizing helping other people in difficult situations that I am also in! Woohoo!

What are my qualifications besides being a cripplingly self-aware Virgo? I’m an educator with 9years of experience, a yoga teacher, and a life-long learner, and an award-winning personal essayist. I taught English to middle schoolers through college students, and I’ve always believed that a good English education is one that teaches empathy, self-awareness, and critical thinking.

I’ve lived through ridiculous traumas and written extensively about issues ranging from race to mental health. I’m committed to a growth mindset, which oftentimes requires discomfort or pain as I push myself to shed bad habits (except eating Cheez-its) in order to become a healthier, more empathic human.

Also, my therapist of four years, who has been a therapist a decade longer than I’ve been alive, says that I am “truly remarkable.” It only took four years of biweekly (or weekly) therapy for me to believe that.

Basically, I’m not that qualified. But ask any Virgo you know if they think they give good advice, and I’m pretty positive they’ll say yes.

Ask A Virgo blends humor and satire with astrology, heart, and life. It doesn’t take itself too seriously, because I don’t take myself too seriously. It respects everyone’s humanity but has no tolerance for white supremacist patriarchal nonsense. It’s here to build community, create a safe and fun space to explore tough situations, and, most importantly, give advice to people who want it.

Need advice? Follow these directions to have your question featured on Ask a Virgo:

  1. Follow and DM on Instagram at ask.a.virgo.
  2. Email highestformofwhit@gmail.com with the subject line Ask a Virgo
  3. Include your name, age, sun & moon sign, along with a brief description of the situation and the question you’d like answered. I will not publish your name, but I do like knowing with whom I’m working.



Whitney Gaines

The advice column no one asked for* from Denver-based queer, biracial writer & educator Whitney Gaines. (*for which no one asked)